Monday, October 25, 2010

I am converting!

No, I'm still a Christian.  I am converting from an American consumer driven society to a minimalist lifestyle.  I have been inspired by Money Saving Mom.
After spending close to 1 1/2 hours a day picking up toys, I have realized that these "blessings" are actually a curse to me and my kids.  Not only am I tired of picking up the stuff, I am tired of nagging and yelling at my kids to pick it up.  This time I am wasting picking up toys could be better spent reading to my kids or picking up a book myself.
So I have taken at least half of our toys to Goodwill.
I also have gone thru all the medications and vitamins in our house.  It turns out that most of them have expired so I'm tossing almost everything.

Today my goal was to go thru our Tupperware and toss anything that doesn't have a match.  I also am going thru my tablecloths and cloth napkins which I NEVER use and loading them up for Goodwill.
This is my living room as I went thru the clothes my friends have generously given to me.

Join me in the converting to the simple life.

Click here to see the inspirational blog
Dealing with Toy Overload


  1. I loved your thoughts on minimizing the toys. I've recently done the tupperware and medicine cabinets, but with the holidays coming up, I'm going to be over whelmed with more stuff. I sometimes wished that Grandparents would give savings bonds. I know it's not fun to watch the kids open that, but would be such a blessing in 16 years when they really need the money! Great to see you tonight and keep up the great work with your blog! :)

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